Loch Ness Project Adrian Shine

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A Natural History of Sea Serpents

Dr Darren Naish - From Tetrapod Zoology Blog

I will say immediately that Shine’s volume should be prominently displayed at the front of any collection of these books, not tucked away or kept out of view. I say that because A Natural History of Sea Serpents is not just beautifully designed, compellingly argued, and well written, but also because it might be the most important book on the subject so far. I hold that view not just because of the case studies it reviews and reframes, but also because it provides a masterclass in how we should approach the entire subject going forward.


Mark Seymour - Waterstones

…With this book Adrian Shine has given a plethora of disciplines a new golden standard for what engaging with research should look like.


Undiscovered Scotland

…Sometimes a book comes along which you just know is going to be a lasting source of reference about the subject it covers. This is one of those books and I'd highly recommend it to anyone with any interest in the subject


Sharon Hill - Strange Claims Adjuster

What I truly appreciate is a genuine expert, who has put in the time, presenting their well-reasoned arguments, supported by evidence. You can hardly get a better example of this than Adrian Shine’s new volume on sea serpents.


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